Support Library v26 comes with a lot of new features, specifically: fonts as resources and downloadable fonts, access to backwards compatible emoji support via the new EmojiCompat library, the ability to allow the text size of your TextView to expand or contract automatically to fill its layout, the option to implement animations driven by physics forces with the �spring and fling� animations, improved parity with the Android framework, various form factors such as Wear and TV, and, finally, a library slimmed down by moving minSdk to 14 and dropping 1.4k methods.
Master continuous integration, deployment and automated testing for Android apps. You�ll see how to set up and tear down sandbox environments to test the end-user experience, where you�ll learn how to manage a mobile device in addition to the build machine. Android Continuous Integration applies a real-world CI pattern that has been thoroughly tested and implemented.
This book starts with continuous integration concepts and the tools and code needed to become proficient in continuous integration for Android apps. You�ll also follow acceptance test driven development (ATDD) best practice, giving you all the skills you need to become a better, more effective developer. Finally, you�ll learn about the Appium mobile automation library and the Jenkins continuous integration tool.
What You Will Learn
Understand how to build an Android mobile app from source
Set up a development or debugging environment for mobile apps
Integrate with the Nexus dependency management and application release tool
Work with the SonarQube code quality analyzer
Use debugging tools in Android
Who This Book Is For Product owners/business analysts, QA/test engineers, developers and build/deploy engineers.